1 ) How old are you?
2 ) How many years away is your nearest goal?
3 ) If your investment outlook is long-term (more than 5 years), how long will you hold on to a poorly performing
4 ) My current and future source of income are
5 ) Choose your investment preference/Objec
6 ) If a few months a?er inves?ng, the value of your por?olio goes down due to market decline by 20%, what would
you do?
7 ) Volatile investments usually provide higher returns and tax efficiency. What is your desired balance?
8 ) How familiar are you with financial markets?
9 ) Describe your Risk Range. What level of losses and profits you would be comfortable with?
10 ) What is the current market value of your net worth (please consider all your assets & subtract from the total the
sum of your debts and liabili?es)?